First of all, we need to know how to convert between percentages, fractions and decimals:
Percentage - divide by 100 - Decimal - place value - Fraction
This also works the other way round:
Fraction - divide by denominator - Decimal - multiply by 100 - Percentage
This looks confusing, but it's really very simple. Let's try an example:
Convert 46% into a) a decimal b) a fraction.
Let's do a) first, since we have to convert to a decimal anyway. To do this, we divide 46 by 100, which is 0.46.
So it's 0.46 as a decimal, but what about as a fraction?
Well, the last digit of 0.46 (6) is in the hundredths. This means we put 46/100.
Now we can simplify this. What do both 46 and 100 divide by? The obvious one is 2:
46/100 divided by 2 equals 23/50.
23 is a prime number, so it doesn't divide by anything else. This means we have our answer!
So, a) 0.46 and b) 23/50.
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